That part of Asia Minor which borders the narrow channel now known as the Dar-da-nelles', was in ancient times called Tro'as. Its capital was the city of Troy, which stood about three miles from the shore of the Æ-ge'an Sea,...
Madam, you are charming! You have not slept, and yet you smile. No man could ask a better prisoner. She turned to him, smiling faintly. "I thank you. At least we have had breakfast, and for such mercy I am...
Sim, said Wid Gardner, as he cast a frowning glance around him, "take it one way with another, and I expect this is a leetle the dirtiest place in the Two-Forks Valley." The man accosted did no more than turn...
During the severe winter of 1860 the river Oise was frozen over and the plains of Lower Picardy were covered with deep snow. On Christmas Day, especially, a heavy squall from the north-east had almost buried the little city of...
The lazy warmth of a May afternoon, the spring following Orn Skinner's release from Auburn Prison, was reflected in the attitudes of three men lounging on the shore in front of "Satisfied" Longman's shack. At their feet, the waters of...
There were nine altogether in the party registering. This number included the manager, who, both on and off the stage, quite successfully impersonated the villain-a rather heavy-jawed, middle-aged fellow, of foreign appearance, with coarse, gruff ......
Nothing better illustrates the elasticity of American democratic life than the fact that within a span of forty years Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt were Presidents of the United States. Two men more unlike in origin, in training, and in...
It was at Governor Alvarado's house in Monterey that Chonita first knew of Diego Estenega. I had told him much of her, but had never cared to mention the name of Estenega in the presence of an Iturbi y Moncada....
When Sam Pinkney brought Billy Bumps over to the old Corner House, and tied him by the corner of the woodshed, there was at once a family conclave called. Sam was never known to be into anything but mischief; therefore...
An old man, clothed in picturesque patches and tatters, paused and leaned on his stout oak staff. He was tired. He drew off his rusty felt hat, swept a sleeve across his forehead, and sighed. He had walked many miles...
Stand ready, boys. We attack at dawn! The word passed in a whisper down the long line of the trench, where the American army boys crouched like so many khaki-clad ghosts, awaiting the command to go "over the top." "That...
"Throughout the ages, in all parts of the world, the messages of miracle have been heard. They appeal to the child within us all and make the world more loving and wondrous than it often seems. But there is no...
Most of the Earth's changes happen over millions of years. But earthquakes can force significant changes to the land in just a few moments. Students will learn the science of plate tectonics and its role in the development of earthquakes...
Images of an erupting volcano can be mesmerizing. Students may be surprised to learn that volcanoes erupt every day. Some erupt constantly, while others lie dormant for years or even centuries. Students learn what happens beneath the Earth to c......
Hurricanes plague the tropics from June through November. Some years bring just a handful of storms. Other years, meteorologists run out of names because there are so many. Students learn how and where these storms form and the dangers they...
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