This digital manual delves into the extraordinary true story of Robert Fridjhon, a young South African who embarked on a daring solo voyage across the Pacific Ocean in 1973. Having become entangled with Russian gangsters in Los Angeles and witnessed...
In 1993 8-year-old Clinton Liebelt went missing from a roadhouse between Darwin and Alice Springs - one of the most desolate places in the world. Australian journalist Robert Wainwright's uplifting and triumphant tribute tells the story of how one......
Business consultant Robert Mano has given many business owners hope. Formally a president of a multi-million dollar company but more importantly a small business owner, he has revitalized businesses with an easily understood concept. Successful bu......
THE #1 BESTSELLING SERIES FROM THE AWARD-WINNING, BESTSELLING AUTHOR! To turn back the tides of war, Queen Mother sent her most trusted warriors on a perilous journey across the Great Sea. But the elves were betrayed by one of their...
Two seasoned educators provide step-by-step instructions on how to think inductively and do inductive Bible study, demonstrating the practice of that approach.
Author: Bauer, David R.
Author: Traina, Robert A.
Publisher: Baker Academic
Debut, hard-boiled mystery fiction for men. Stephen King's son describes a fitting genre as MANfiction (the opposite of Chick lit). Casey Holden, former cop, current PI in Virginia Beach, VA, screens his clients the way he screens his women, bas......
Change happens. It can be deliberate. Most of the time it is not. Leaders will bring about change by virtue of their giftedness, role, and vision. Particularly is this true of leaders in power roles--senior pastors and organizational heads. F......
Claiming Society for God focuses on common strategies employed by religiously orthodox, fundamentalist movements around the world. Rather than employing terrorism, as much of post-9/11 thinking suggests, these movements use a patient, under-the-ra......
This in-depth manual defines a Bible centered leader and gives a Life Long Bible Mastery Paradigm based on the concept of core, that limited number of Bible books and materials that a given leader should master over a lifetime. Gives...
As model railroaders began demanding ever-greater realism, Lionel responded in 2004 with its FasTrack system featuring an integrated roadbed, scale-sized ties, and a less-obvious center rail. Veteran hobby author Bob Schleicher follows up his The Lionel FasTrack Book with a...
This book reveals a remarkable oddity about the mainstream philosophy of science. While rejecting a noxious relativism, it is unable to ascribe "truth" to scientific theories that also are divorced conceptually from ethics and politics. There is m......
He's operated on whales, administered antibiotics to a group of performing lions, barely escaped alive after treating unpredictable chimps, cared for every imaginable household pet - and most of all, enjoyed every minute of it. Well-known veterina......
Racing Super Buster Letters (And You Can Too) isn't your traditional alphabet book. It's funny. It's irreverent. Your kids are going to have a blast whether you read, they read with you, or they read on their own. Includes tips...
The Ultimate Expression of Your Sports Car Passion—in a Four-Door? What if you could get your hands on a high-performance German driving machine that competes with Porsches and Mercedes, doesn't cost a fortune, and even has a usable ba......
This eBook version explores life long development, i.e. God's shaping activity of a leader over a lifetime. This manual summarizes the research of over 3000 case studies into how God shapes a leader over a lifetime. It gives a comprehensive...